In Latin America, ILF’s strategy has been to mostly train leaders in governments. FUNDALID (as ILF is called) is working across this continent to help bring societal transformation to a region in need.FUNDALID operates by utilizing teams, whereby the nations of Central and South America are divided into three regions. Mexico is the primary team for all of Central America. Colombia gives leadership to the northern part of South America and Bolivia leads the southern cone of South America.ILF’s premier training tools, the Transforming Leadership & Governance Seminar (TLG Seminar) materials have been translated into Spanish. In Colombia, the printing of the TLG Seminar textbook is nearly completed and will soon be distributed in every region of Latin America.FUNDALID is well-known and influential in Colombia. It is strongly involved with the national government and supported by the business community. Thedirector for FUNDALID works from a base in Medellin to continue expanding the trainings across the nation.FUNDALID is not only promoting trainings in Mexico, but also training approximately 500 people every six months in ILF’s Transforming Leadership principles. Many of the leaders are prominent business people, as well as government leaders.The Transforming Leadership & Governance Seminars and the concepts of ILFare well-received in Latin America, especially by governments, institutions and businesses.
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FUNDALID (ILF in Latin America)